
HIL is applying a novel approach to particle acceleration – based on Nobel-Prize-winning high-intensity lasers and nanotech targets. The technology was conceived and incubated at the high-energy physics lab of the Hebrew university in Jerusalem, and further developed by HIL’s outstanding team of world-class scientists.

Additionally, HIL is developing ultra-compact beam delivery solutions – namely beamlines and rotating gantries – taking advantage of the unique properties of laser-accelerated proton beams. Thus we deliver further reductions in size, cost and complexity of a complete system.

Reduced shielding requirements also contribute to substantial reduction in facility footprint and building costs; this is especially important given that construction and infrastructure today account for over 25% of new facility’s total price tag.

These technological breakthroughs aim to enable – for the first time – cost-effective, expandable, add-on single-room solutions, while providing state-of-the-art clinical capabilities such as 360-degree rotating gantry, pencil-beam scanning, on-board imaging and more.


HIL has a working prototype of its proton accelerator at its R&D center in Jerusalem, Israel.

The company successfully demonstrated proton acceleration to clinical energies and flux, and is currently building an Alpha system in a new R&D, manufacturing and technology demonstration facility in Jerusalem.
Select top-tier hospitals world-wide are lining up to become first Beta customers.

HIL’s approach leads to proton energies that are consistently 5-20 times above those achieved with other investigational methods for laser-based acceleration.

Our preliminary gantry design has a footprint smaller than that of a typical LINAC room.